Monday, May 14, 2007

Expectation - Human Nature

I've always been told, ' Never expect anything and when you get it you will be happy.' I am not sure if I believe in this statement and don't think this can always be done.

There is and has to be some kind of expectation in any relationship. "Has to" well yes, has to!

A parent expects a lot from their child; to do well in studies, to be a good person, to do well in life, to prosper and so on. A child in turn also has some expectations of his own; to be loved, to be understood, to be forgiven, to be accepted...
The same goes for a husband wife relationship however here the expectations are much higher. A couple meet each other mid-way in life and it takes time before the other person begins to accept the others flaws. They expect each other to understand what the other is going through. To co-relate and to live together is extremely important for a marriage to work and extremely difficult.

It's alright to expect but don't expect that your expectations will be met with. There's no harm in trying, there maybe an understanding one day.

It's not easy to stop when you feel so connected to the opposite person. But you can try! If you can't stop like in any kind of addiction, be prepared to get your heart crushed and shattered.

Live with what you have... Hope for a change in attitude but never for a complete "change"!!


1 comment:

Abhishek said...

So, rightly said my godmother...